Show Guest: Monika Thornton
Gotta give thanks to my guest Monika Thornton ~ Founder of Powerful Beginnings who joined me for RCR! Presents Real Discussions Show. Monika Thornton is a survivor of domestic violence and has committed her life to help others.
Powerful Beginnings is designed to provide life skills and tools for women transitioning out of a domestic violence situation. Survivors of Domestic Violence take it one day at a time. Their story becomes a testimony and every time they talk about their story, the healing process continues. We respect the fact that the story is only needed to help others and not to go back in time and dwell in a violent space. Powerful Beginnings has helped several people in Columbus, GA, and is developing a satellite location here in Atlanta.
If you or someone you know needs help, contact powerfulbeginnings@yahoo.com For more information visit the site: http://www.powerfulbeginnings.org/
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